What Can You Do?

Become a member of the Santa Maria-Lompoc Branch of the NAACP

For over 100 years, the Association has led the civil rights battle to destroy barriers to equality for Black Americans. Considerable progress has been made, but racism is still undefeated. Until that goal is reached, the NAACP will continue as the standard-bearer of justice, pressing America to honor the letter and essence of it’s Constitution.

Help America. Help the NAACP.  JOIN TODAY

Make a donation: Your donations assist in the fight for racial justice, justice system reform, education equity and ecomonic justice for all.




Register to Vote

Voting is a fundamental right and a tool to express your opinion about how the government should function and who should be its leaders.  By voting, you are exercising your right to be a part of the decision-making process that determines who will represent you, your family, and your neighbors at the local, state, and federal levels.  Learn about voting in Santa Barbara County here: SB County Clerk, Recorder Assessor and Registrar of Voters.

Know Your Rights!


AT ALL TIMES you have the right to remain silent. To exercise your right, do not answer any questions, including your name and nationality. Ask to speak to your attorney or your consulate.

IF YOU ARE STOPPED WHILE WALKING you should ask the officer if you are free to leave. If yes, you have the right to walk away. If no, you have the right to remain silent.

IF YOU ARE STOPPED WHILE DRIVING you have the right to ask why you have been stopped. You must provide your drivers license and vehicle registration if asked, but you have the right to refuse to answer any questions. If the officer asks to search your vehicle, you have the right to refuse. Passengers do not have to provide their license. Everyone has a right to remain silent.

AT WORK you have the right to not be discriminated against based on your nationality. Your employer cannot require you tostate your nationality. If officers approach you at work, you have the right to remain silent and not answer any questions about your nationality or immigration status. Stay calm and do not run. This could make the situation worse.

IF YOU ARE AN IMMIGRANT AND ARE ARRESTED you have the right to see an immigration judge to defend yourself against deportation unless a judge has already ordered you deported or you are at a port of entry. Do not sign anything you do not understand. Consult with an attorney as soon as possible.

Report an abuse of an immigrant. Learn about your legal rights.
Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP

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