NAACP Press Release, Verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial


Santa Maria, CA On April 20, 2021,
JUSTICE was served, with the conviction of Derek Chauvin. Yesterday, we watched a Minnesota Jury convicted Derek Chauvin, a former police officer for the May 25, 2020 murder of George Floyd. The former police officer was charged with killing George Floyd by pinning George Floyd’s neck by the knee for nine minutes and 29 seconds, while onlookers begged him to stop and George Floyd cried out for his mother.

While we know this verdict will not bring back George Floyd , we believe the verdict was just, fair and due process was served.

Our nation and more specifically the Black community have rarely seen white male officers held accountable for killing black people. Thus, there remains apprehension, fear, and anger that no matter how indisputable the charges and the evidence, our fractured criminal justice system will falter.

The call for justice has come at monumental cost, that this nation will need to begin rectifying through actions that enforce accountability for the humanity of ALL people. The Chauvin trial serves as a reminder of the urgent need to pass legislation to hold police accountable, change the culture of law enforcement and build trust between law enforcement and our communities by preventing police brutality and allowing survivors and families of victim’s access to justice.

We must prevent dangerous officers from moving from one department to another to avoid accountability by establishing a national database of civilian police encounters, including the use of force and traffic stops, and requiring the collection, analysis and release of such data to track and hold bad officers accountable.

We call for justice in this nation to begin through actions that enforces accountability for ALL people, including those who have taken an oath to serve and protect.

Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities.

CONTACT: Lawanda Lyons-Pruitt Santa Maria-Lompoc NAACP WEBSITE:
Email: or
Phone: (805)-448-7869

Click here for PDF of the Press Release